In the first 10 years of my business, I believed that if I just sold more, everything would get better.
I heard, again and again, statements like “build a 7-figure business,” or - better yet - “Sales Cures All.”
When I learned about fast-growth awards like the Inc 5000, I saw companies celebrated for top-line revenue. In fact, Inc 5000 called these companies “America’s Most Successful Small Businesses.”
Nothing else seemed to matter, not debt, profitability, customer satisfaction nor team culture.
See for yourself, taken from the Inc Magazine's FAQ...
The message is clear:
Selling More = Success
I wanted to be successful and celebrated by my peers too, so I dedicated myself to selling more.
I’ll always remember the afternoon when I realized I’d crossed $100K for the first time. I was sitting quietly at my desk when I ran a sales report.
My jaw dropped...
I was stunned to see I’d surpassed $100K for the first time ever.
I was so thrilled, so proud!
Then I cracked open my bank account and what did I see?
Too little.
I was as confused as I was frustrated.
The answer, I thought?... “Just Sell More!”
So I did.
I soon had my first $250k year, then a $500k year, and each time I logged into my online banking I had the exact same experience: I sold more and more, but was disappointed again and again with how much I’d actually kept.
A question started screaming at me more and more loudly: “Where’d my money go?!”
I called my Accountant for help. He said some crazy jargon of Accounting words that left me feeling stupid and lost. I left with more questions than answers.
But I refused to quit. I hated feeling so frustrated that I wasn’t making better financial progress.
This led me on a journey flying around North America to attend workshops and seminars on "leading by the numbers". I even enrolled in an Accounting class at the University of Alberta to get this part of my business handled
(Side Note: I failed Calculus in high school 3 times, then was rejected from Business School in college 3 times - so I’ve never been a math or numbers guy. Couldn’t believe I was actually going back to University to study Accounting!)
After 4 years, countless hours, and approximately $100K in tuition and travel expenses to criss-cross the continent, I felt I had the confidence of knowing how to look at my numbers, and seeing where my money went.
Along the way I was already helping other businesses using a framework I created called 'Diamond Financials' to not just make more sales, but keep more cash, and they were seeing exciting results. Doubling and tripling their cash in the bank pretty quickly!
While allowing them to sleep easy at night, without the panic of wondering if there'll be enough in the bank to make payroll this month.
So, exactly how do you get OFF the "Just Sell More" hamster wheel?
Is there a system or method to understanding financials that Pro CEOs and Business Owners use to run their business 'by the numbers'?
The good news is... There is!
And you're about to discover exactly what it is...
It’s an important and valuable skill for Entrepreneurs to know how to read and interpret their financial statements in order to lead their company.
This is a core fundamental business skill everyone who runs a business should know, but have never been taught.
Too many businesses are flying blind with little to no understanding of their numbers and financials. Even if you hate it, as an Entrepreneur, you need to know it. It’s the language of business.
This Masterclass takes Entrepreneurs from a ‘number-scared business owner’ to ‘savvy strategists’ within days.
You’ll discover new tools, methods, frameworks and examples to aid you on your journey to graduate into becoming a Pro CEO.
Pro CEOs have the confidence, clarity, and ability to make effective strategic decisions based on their numbers.
When you understand your numbers, you'll gain that 'Superpower' as well.
Like my client, Justin Eckrich, who owns a Marketing Agency. He was able to...
...Increased his Sales by 28%...
...While Profit went up by 161%...
...And Cash in the bank grew by 928%...
...All within a 10 month period...
...How can it be that cash can go up by 928% when sales only goes up by 28%?
When you know your numbers, you can make this phenomenon happen as well.
We've packaged this Masterclass into 3 modules where we'll dive into demystifying the 3 core financial documents: Income Statement, Balance Sheet, and Statement of Cashflows. Along with all the confusing financial jargon that has most Entrepreneurs running the other direction.
We’ll also break down the myths most Entrepreneurs are blindly following that leaves them stuck in the “Just Sell More” hamster wheel which leads stress and burnout.
At the end of this Masterclass, you'll have clarity and confidence around your financials so you can make strategic decisions based on numbers, instead of throwing spaghetti against the wall and seeing what sticks.
A truly great Entrepreneur is a steward of their money but that can be hard to do when you're scared of math, not sure how to read a financial statement or simply avoid your accountant at all costs.
Module 1 will help you flatten the learning curve and make it EASY for you to make informed decisions based on your numbers so you can maximize the amount you keep in the bank.
Understand the story of your business using my 'Diamond Financials' Framework by connecting your 3 core financial documents so you can transform your ability to read a set of financials and tell the story of what’s going on in your business.
Now that you've got Entrepreneur Accounting skills, how do we bring that into your own business? In Module 3 we'll be taking everything we've learned and showing you how to integrate this knowledge into your daily and weekly workflows so you can visualize the health of your business today, and clarity on how to make true progress in the future
There's a ton of programs out there that promise to show you how you can have a ‘6-figure’ launch, or they'll teach you how to have a '7-figure business'...
Rarely is there a program that shows you how to *keep* the money you've made so you can actually put that money to use instead of burning out by being on the "Just Sell More" hamster wheel.
Not to mention continually chasing the next shiny object which leads to frustration and burnout.
We've helped hundreds of Entrepreneurs just like you get clarity and confidence around their financials. Allowing them to keep 2X - 5X more of what they make, while also saving (at least) 4 businesses from bankruptcy.
I’ve participated in 142 board meetings where Entrepreneurs with businesses of all sizes are sharing their full financials, revealing the truth of where they stand financially.
It’s amazing - you can line up 3 businesses side by side that all look 'successful', yet only one is financially healthy and the other two are holding on by a string - yet you’d never be able to tell which one is which.
Only once we understand the truth of where a business stands, can we get to work solving the true issues. Being able to see the financials of a company really allows me to cut through the noise and identify the ‘real’ problem no one is talking about.
See what our past clients are saying about Know Your Numbers...
Our Founder Has Been Featured In:
"Knowing how to get enough 'precision' to make the right 'decision' was key. It's easy to pull cash when there's money in the bank, but not all of that cash is 'Free Cash'.
- Rory Hochstein
Unstuck Consulting
"The whole course has been mind-blowing. Just understanding the basics of financials is huge, and the clarity that all problems aren't solved by revenue"
- Lori St. Martin
"My key takeaway is understanding the balance sheet is my report card. After all my years in business, I have never looked at my balance sheet and I've never understood what it was."
- Allison Shride
"What blew my mind was the Bloat Factor. Instead of always focusing on revenue, what if we just cut expenses. Also getting clear on our "fuzzy ROI" activities so we can double down on what works"
- Dan Kaminski
"I now have clarity of my numbers so I don't feel like an idiot when the Accountant is showing me something. I'm not going to avoid my Accountant's calls anymore because I feel embarrassed"
- Matthew Carrat
"The key is finding the profit margin and building the profit factory to exploit it. Using tools like the cashflow forecast and decision-making matrix so we know what problem we're solving for."
- Annabel Landaverde
Is There a Guarantee?
Yes! We have a ‘Positive ROI Money Back Guarantee’. If you haven’t made your initial investment back after implementing the strategies in module 1 of the Masterclass, then let us know and we'll refund your money back. We’re THAT confident this Masterclass is going to be a positive return on investment for you.
How Do I Know it's For Me?
If you avoid your accountant and you're intimidated by a balance sheet and/or income statement, then this course is for you. As Entrepreneurs gain more experience under their belt, they start to see how valuable it is to have clarity to make confident and smart financial decisions for their business.
What's the Difference Between the Masterclass and the Live Workshop?
The principles and teaching points are similar. In the Live Workshop, you'll get the ability to practice simulations in a live group environment with other Entrepreneurs. Being able to spot opportunities and threats for a business you know nothing about. You can also ask questions and get live feedback.
What if I'm Not Good with Numbers?
I felt the same way. I actually failed calculus 3 times and got rejected from business school multiple times as well. There's only 2% of Accounting that us Entrepreneurs need to know. The rest we can leave to our accounants.
So if you can use a simple calculator, you're good!
What if I'm Too Busy so I Don't Have Time?
In the '5 Levels of 80/20' taught in Know Your Numbers, this course is Level 4 (Executive) and Level 5 (Investor) training meant to pull you out of the whirlwind of day-to-day activities so you’re not stuck in Level 2 (Skill) doing all the work yourself. Even more important for you to get this course so you can elevate yourself to Level 4 and 5 to become a CEO who leads your team to do the work.
What if I Already Have an Accountant / Bookkeeper?
Most accountants and bookkeepers are focused on ‘Tax Accounting’ and are pretty clueless when it comes to ‘Entrepreneur Accounting’, which helps Entrepreneurs make strategic decisions based on their numbers. Plus, it’s hard for your Accountant to help you make strategic business decisions when they’ve got dozens or hundreds of other clients to take care of.
Here's how it works: Complete Module 1 of Know Your Numbers. If you're not able to use the simple strategies taught in Module 1 to make your investment back, reach out to us and let us know.
We are THAT confident this Masterclass will pay for itself (and more). So there's absolutely zero risk on your part.
Here's how it works: Complete Module 1 of Know Your Numbers. If you're not able to use the simple strategies taught in Module 1 to make your investment back, reach out to us and let us know.
We are THAT confident this Masterclass will pay for itself (and more). So there's absolutely zero risk on your part.
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Every day that goes by, your business is bleeding money if you're not consciously aware of where your money is going.
The opportunity cost of not plugging a money leak in your business could end up costing you thousands of dollars or more as each day goes by.
Look, you’ve seen how you can understand the language of business, numbers and financials, to help you keep more from what you make.
You’ve seen how my clients are finally making true financial progress that will help them reach their business and personal goals quicker than before.
I’ve spent the time, energy, and money learning from the best in the industry around this topic in the past 12 years of being an Entrepreneur.
I’ve applied what I learned with my clients to help them keep more cash, while saving at least 4 businesses from bankruptcy.
The methods and frameworks I’ve created have been battle-tested with real businesses from start-ups to multi 8-figure businesses, so you can be rest assured what you learn isn’t just ‘Theory’ with no substance.
Most Entrepreneurs and Business Owners will continue turning a blind eye when it comes to their numbers and financials. They’d rather abdicate responsibility to their Accountant and Bookkeeper, thinking they have their best interests at heart while they're juggling dozens or hundreds of other clients.
The few who are actually serious about becoming a Pro CEO of their business will take action towards understanding the language of business, numbers and financials, in order to lead their business and team towards true financial progress to make lasting impact in the world.
So whether you decide to shortcut your path to learning how to use numbers to influence your ability as a Pro CEO to make strategic decisions by joining me in the next Know Your Numbers Workshop...
...or you decide to figure it out on your own...
I truly hope you're able to make progress in this vital area of business so you have clarity and confidence around the true health of your business instead of flying blind like the majority of Entrepreneurs out there.
Instant Access to Know Your Numbers Masterclass ($995 Value)
I'm an award-winning, Canadian Entrepreneur now based in Austin, TX. I've been a guest lecturer at NYU in New York City, and has been featured on the websites of Forbes and Inc Magazine.
In my 20s, I drank substantial volumes of Entrepreneur 'Kool-Aid', chasing dreams of financial freedom and attempting to work only a few hours per week. This misguided ambition led to just the opposite: 100 hour work weeks and $200,000 of debt.
This stress and exhaustion mounted to a breaking point in 2010 when I developed a rare stress-related illness. For 3 months I couldn’t walk. At 28 years old, I had to move back in with my parents for full-time care, the most broke (and broken) I’d ever been.
In the second month of my bedrest I had a divine encounter where I realized my pursuit of Fame and Fortune was ill-advised, and I made a new promise to myself, to pursue Truth and Mastery.
In the years since recovering, I've spent 4 years and over $100,000 traveling the world learning what True Progress is for Entrepreneurs. I've paid off every dime of my $200,000 debt, and launched two successful companies, Great Assistant and Profit Factory.
In addition to running my own companies, I now speak and coach with Entrepreneurs around the world, specifically on how to become a Pro CEO, one who makes clear, confident decisions by the numbers and builds a business that makes True Progress. My friendly, warm, funny style makes the challenge of graduating from Entrepreneur to Pro CEO achievable.
I look forward to seeing you inside the Know Your Numbers Masterclass.
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