Why your bank account doesn't have as much money as you think it should... where'd it go?
Why "just sell more" is misleading, and what to focus on instead.
The 2% of Accounting us Entrepreneurs need to know, and the 98% we can leave to our Accountants.
The Magic of looking at Financials and instantly spotting the big issues and opportunities.
How to talk to your Accountant / Bookkeeper.
What Entrepreneur Accounting is, and how we can use it build a rock-solid business.
How to make clear, Executive-level decisions that help grow your financial position. No more "invest and pray for the best."
The core misudersandings that hold us Entrepreneurs back, and how to break through.
Day 2: The Treasure Map
Demystifying the core 3 financial documents: Income Statement, Balance Sheet, and Statement of Cashflows.
Discovering how the 3 documents flow together to - literally - tell the story of your business.
Opportunity to do live simulatons. Practice your new skills by taking a business you've never seen before and - using your new Entrepreneur Accounting skills - find issues an opportunities withn minutes.
See how your new insights can turn into Executive Strategy to expertly guide your business.
Day 3: Now, Your Business
Now that you've got Entrepepreneur Accounting skills, how do we bring that into your own business?
The ideal first steps you can take to get up and running in just a few weeks.
Fundamental analysis tools so you can analyze your own Financials.
How Financials can help create business Dashboards so you can run your business "by the numbers," even the non-financial metrics.
How to setup a solid workflow with your team so you can get financial reports delivered to you with little work on your behalf.